Wednesday 29 May 2024

Malakhro: The Heartbeat of the Muslim Community and a Testament to Strength, Skill, and Spirit

In the vibrant tapestry of the Muslim community, one tradition stands out, pulsating with energy and enthusiasm - Malakhro.ملاکھڑا ,ملھ, ملاکڙو  This form of wrestling is not merely a sport; it is a cultural cornerstone that resonates deeply within the community, particularly among its mature members.
Malakhro, a cherished tradition, comes to life during festive occasions and every Friday, infusing local fairs with a unique allure. It’s not just a game; it’s a spectacle that captivates the audience, a celebration of strength, skill, and spirit that transcends the physical contest.
Wealthy landowners and influential individuals take immense pride in fostering renowned ‘malhs’ or wrestlers. They arrange matches that become the centrepiece of these events, drawing crowds and creating moments of shared joy and excitement. These matches are not just about winning or losing; they are about honour, respect, and the enduring spirit of the community.
Malakhro is more than a pastime; it’s a testament to the power, prowess, and passion of the wrestlers and the community that supports them. It’s a symbol of the community’s resilience, a testament to their strength, and a reflection of their spirit.
This sport, deeply rooted in tradition and community values, continues to thrive, capturing the heartbeat of the Muslim community. It’s a testament to the community’s strength, skill, and spirit, a tradition that continues to inspire and unite. Malakhro is not just a sport; it’s the pulse of the community, a testament to their enduring spirit.
Malakhro: A Pulse of the Muslim Community and a Symbol of Power, Prowess, and Passion

Malakhro, a form of wrestling, is a vibrant tradition in the Muslim community. More than a sport, it’s a cultural cornerstone that resonates deeply within the community. Wealthy landowners and influential individuals take pride in fostering renowned ‘malhs’ or wrestlers, arranging matches that become the centerpiece of local events. Malakhro is a testament to the power, prowess, and passion of the wrestlers and the community that supports them. It’s a symbol of the community’s resilience and a reflection of their spirit. This sport, deeply rooted in tradition, captures the heartbeat of the Muslim community, uniting and inspiring them. Malakhro is not just a sport; it’s the pulse of the community.

#Malakhro #MuslimCommunity #CulturalTradition #StrengthAndSkill #WrestlingSpirit #LocalFairs #FridayFights #Malhs #CommunityPride #EnduringSpirit

Revealing the Enchantment of Rural Sports: The Exhilaration of Kodi Kodi

Nestled within the heart of rural communities, a unique game known as Kodi Kodi ڪوڊي- ڪوڊي In Sindhi and Urdu کوڈی-کوڑی brings an infusion of delight and exhilaration to the villagers. This open-air game, conducted in the expansive fields, is a reflection of the unpretentiousness and camaraderie inherent in rural life.
The playing field for Kodi Kodi is distinguished by two posts, termed as ‘palas’, adorned with strips of vibrant red fabric. These posts are strategically placed 25-30 yards apart. The game initiates with a player from one team endeavoring to traverse through the palas while incessantly uttering the term ‘Kodi-Kodi’, all within a single breath.
The objective for the offensive player is to make contact with an opponent and retreat to his side without drawing another breath. Achieving this feat awards his team a point. On the other hand, if the attacker is captured or draws a breath during the attack, the opposing team is granted a point. The team amassing the highest score by the conclusion of the game is proclaimed the winner.
Kodi Kodi surpasses the confines of a mere game; it’s a celebration of communal unity and rural traditions. It doesn’t require expensive equipment or intricate setup, rendering it accessible to every villager. The game not only serves as a source of entertainment but also fosters physical health and strategic thinking.

سندھ، پاکستان میں گاؤں کے لوگ کوڈی کوڑی کھیلتے ہوئے، ایک روایتی کھلا ہوا کھیل جو برادری کی اتحاد اور جسمانی صحت کو فروغ دیتا ہے۔

Kodi Kodi, a unique game from rural communities, brings joy and excitement to villagers. Played in open fields, it reflects the simplicity and camaraderie of rural life. The game field is marked by two ‘palas’ posts, adorned with red fabric, placed 25-30 yards apart. Players traverse between the posts, uttering ‘Kodi-Kodi’ in one breath. The aim is to tag an opponent and return without inhaling again. If successful, the player’s team scores a point. If the player is caught or inhales during the attack, the opposing team scores. The team with the highest score wins. Kodi Kodi, more than a game, celebrates community spirit and rural traditions. It’s accessible, entertaining, and promotes physical fitness and strategic thinking.

#TraditionalGames #RuralSindh #KodiKodi #CommunityGames #RuralSports

Cock, Partridge, and Quail-Fighting: A Cherished Pastime in the Region

Among the region’s most adored forms of entertainment, bird-fighting holds a significant place. In particular, cock, partridge, and quail-fighting are immensely popular. Sindh is renowned for breeding majestic cocks, known for their stubborn resilience in the face of battle. These birds are among the most formidable fighters in the avian world.
Grey partridges, captured at a young age, are nurtured to become astonishingly tame. If they prove to be champion fighters, their value increases exponentially. Bird-fighting is not just about the thrill of the fight; it’s also about the potential financial gain, making it an even more enticing spectacle.
Despite the illegal status of gambling associated with these bird fights, it’s an activity that continues to be passionately pursued. This adds another layer of excitement to the already captivating spectacle of bird-fighting. However, it’s important to note that responsible enjoyment of this tradition is encouraged, keeping in mind the welfare of these magnificent creatures.
Bird owners preparing their birds for a fight in Sindh

Responsible enjoyment of bird-fighting tradition in Sindh

An engaging spectacle of bird-fighting featuring cocks, partridges, and quails, a cherished pastime in the region. The image captures the intensity of the battle among these majestic birds, bred and nurtured in Sindh. The thrill of the fight and the potential financial gain make this a captivating event, despite the illegal status of associated gambling. The image underscores the importance of responsible enjoyment of this tradition, with the welfare of these magnificent creatures in mind.

#BirdFighting #SindhTraditions #CockFighting #PartridgeFighting #QuailFighting #CulturalHeritage #PakistanCulture #AnimalWelfare #ResponsibleEnjoyment

Gillidanda: A Timeless Game with a Global Presence

Gillidanda, گلی ڈنڈا۔ a traditional sport with roots in South Asia, remains popular in the region and has even spread to areas such as the Mediterranean and South East Asia. It's intriguing to discover that Gillidanda is considered a forerunner to cricket in India.

The game is played with two sticks: the larger 'danda', and the smaller 'gilli'. Gillidanda shares common elements with bat and ball sports like cricket and baseball. With a history dating back over 2500 years, Gillidanda is indeed an ancient sport.

What's interesting is that Gillidanda goes by various names in different regions. It's known as 'Tipcat' in English, 'Iti-Dakar اٽي ڏڪر' in Sindhi, and 'guli-badi' in Odia. It's also recognized by different names in languages such as Bhojpuri, Persian, Bengali, Assamese, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Konkani, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Saraiki, Pashto, Cambodian, Indonesian, Tagalog, Ilonggo, Turkish, Zomi language, Vietnamese, Cuban, and Italian.

The game ‘Gillidanda’ originates from the word ‘ghaṭikā’, meaning ‘tip-cat’. This traditional sport continues to be popular in the Indian subcontinent and other South Asian nations such as India and Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, the game is known as ‘ḍāṅguli khelā’, while in Nepal, it’s referred to as ‘Dandi-Biyo’.

Gillidanda is more than just a recreational activity; it also helps develop physical agility and coordination among players. The game involves four or more players in even numbers. The player stands in a small circle and balances the gilli on a stone in an inclined manner, similar to a see-saw, with one end of the gilli touching the ground while the other end is in the air.

In conclusion, Gillidanda is a classic game that has endured through the ages. Its cultural importance and the physical agility it fosters among players make it a beloved sport in many parts of the world.

A visual representation of the traditional game known as ‘Tipcat’ in English, ‘Iti-Dakar اٽي ڏڪر’ in Sindhi, and ‘guli-badi’ in Odia. This game is recognized by different names across various languages and cultures.

#ItiDakar #Gillidanda #TraditionalSports #CulturalHeritage #GlobalGames #PhysicalAgility #Tipcat #GuliBadi #AncientSport #CricketForerunner

Muhammad al-Mahdi’s Birthday and Shab-e-Barat: A Night of Spiritual Reflection

Shab-e-Barat: The Night of Absolution and Its Impact on the Muslim Ummah

 Greetings to the nation and the Muslim Ummah on the auspicious occasion of Shab-e-Barat (شب برات). This sacred night, also referred to as Bara’at Night, Mid Shaban, The Night of Records, The Night of Fortune and Forgiveness, is celebrated on the 14th night of Sha’aban, the eighth month of the Islamic calendar. 

Shab e-Barat, or the Night of Absolution, is a significant festival in the Islamic tradition. On this night, Muslims across the globe seek forgiveness for their past transgressions from Allah, the Most Merciful. It is believed that on this night, Allah determines the fate of all individuals for the upcoming year, considering their past actions.

Furthermore, the 14th of Sha’aban holds special significance for Twelver Shia Muslims as they commemorate it as the birthday of Muhammad al-Mahdi, who is revered as the ultimate redeemer of humankind.

#ShabeBarat #NightOfAbsolution #IslamicTradition #NightOfForgiveness #MuhammadAlMahdi #MuslimUmmah #IslamicFestival #Shaaban14 #NightOfRecords #NightOfFortune

Monday 8 April 2024

Modern Banditry: The High-Tech Arsenal of Today’s Robbers


Illustration of Kache k daku with prominently displayed Sindhi ajrak topi, kidnapping people by the Indus River Islands.

At the core of Sindh, a region renowned for its storied past and effervescent culture, a narrative endures that has been shared in hushed tones for ages. It's the chronicle of the Urdu : 'Kachy k Dako, کچی کے ڈاکو' Sindhi: ‘Kachey Ja darail ڪچي جا ڌاڙيل‘  a term that brings to mind the image of intrepid bandits and their audacious feats within the broad, relentless expanse of the territory. Embedded in the heart of the spirited province of Sindh, known for its historical depth and cultural vitality, there thrives a fable that has traversed through generations. This is the epic of 'Kache ja darail,' a term in Sindhi that paints a picture of valiant outlaws and their adventurous exploits over the wide, demanding landscapes of the locale.

     The lore of Sindh's dacoits, more than mere outlaws, is woven into the region's folklore. Viewed as dissenters challenging a flawed system, their tales brim with high-stakes pursuits, suspenseful abductions for ransom, and sporadic gestures of benevolence that stir the conscience of the community. These narratives, rich in action and moral complexity, have become an integral part of the province's cultural tapestry.

     The 'Kachy k Dako' are known to conduct their operations within the 'kacha' zones dense riverine woodlands along the Indus River, serving as an ideal hideout for their deeds. The challenging terrain of these areas provides a strategic edge to the bandits, complicating the efforts of law enforcement. Stories of their daring acts blend intimidation with allure, as they persistently dodge apprehension, ascending to legendary status.

     The infamous 'Kachy k Dako' of Sindh mirror the region's socio-economic challenges. Driven by poverty, limited educational opportunities, and job scarcity, individuals are compelled to adopt this perilous lifestyle a cycle of subsistence that frequently originates where other options are scarce.

     As dusk descends upon the Indus, the murmurs of 'Kachy k Dako' resonate. They stand as a testament to the intricate facets of the human condition and the delicate balance of morality. Their imprint lingers in Sindh's historical chronicles, weaving a story that is as enthralling as it is debated.

The Digital Footprint of Crime: Social Media as the New Platform for Criminals
     In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the criminal underworld is not far behind in harnessing cutting-edge tools. Law enforcement reports indicate a troubling shift: contemporary thieves are increasingly equipped with advanced gear, traditionally exclusive to military outfits. This trend underscores the escalating challenges faced by security forces in curbing high-tech criminal activities.

Advanced Surveillance: DJI's High-Tech Drones Elevate Operational Precision
     The arsenal of high-tech equipment now includes state-of-the-art drones from DJI, renowned for their precision and dual imaging features. Far from being simple playthings, these drones come loaded with functionalities that support intricate tasks. They boast high-definition thermal and visual cameras that can accurately focus on distant objectives, enhancing the capabilities of their operators in various operations.

Airborne Arsenal: The Alarming Trend of Anti-Aircraft Artillery in Criminal Hands
     The criminal inventory extends beyond drones to include anti-aircraft artillery. These powerful weapons, capable of firing at steep trajectories, have alarmingly found their way into criminal possession. Originally intended for aerial defence, these guns pose a significant threat when wielded without authorization, highlighting the urgent need for vigilant security measures.

Escalating Threats: The Perilous Inclusion of Rocket Launchers in Criminal Arsenals
     The inclusion of rocket launchers in the criminal cache significantly escalates the level of danger. These devices, engineered to discharge propelled rockets, underscore the alarming destructive capabilities now accessible to lawbreakers. Their presence in the wrong hands is a sobering testament to the evolving nature of criminal armaments.

Social Media: The New Stage for Criminal Showcases and Law Enforcement Challenges
     In the digital age, criminals are increasingly turning to social media to showcase their illicit activities. Platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube are being used by offenders to broadcast videos of crimes, shootings, and demands. They don’t shy away from directing abuse at public figures, including police officers, politicians, and singers, often coupled with ransom demands. The evidence of these activities is abundant across various social media platforms, creating a new challenge for law enforcement agencies.

Voice Deception for Ransom: The Rising Threat of AI-Enabled Fraud
     In a startling development, a fraudster harnessed sophisticated voice-altering software to mimic the voice of a young individual, orchestrating a deceptive abduction plot. The criminal’s strategy was to trick the guardian into believing their offspring was in danger, prompting a ransom payment. This incident underscores the growing concern over the abuse of AI-powered voice simulation technologies, which are readily available on the internet.

Revealing the Armory: The Critical Demand for Enhanced Protection Strategies in Policing
     Court testimonies from police officers have unveiled a stark reality: the arsenal confronting law enforcement is formidable. This disclosure emphasizes the critical need for comprehensive strategies and sophisticated Défense mechanisms to protect society from these extensively armed foes.

     Content depicting gun violence is strictly prohibited across numerous platforms due to its violation of terms of service. Despite these restrictions, evidence of such content’s proliferation can be found across social media channels and television news segments, with numerous instances gaining rapid circulation within private messaging groups.

#kachykdako #crime

Sunday 7 April 2024

Tracing the Evolution of Banking in Sukkur: From Bambi to NBP

Sukkur's banking history began with the establishment of Bambi Bank on January 27th, which later became known as the Imperial Bank of India. Initially operating from a leased property owned by Saith Memon near the SSP residence and the former Powerhouse, the bank eventually relocated across from St. Mary’s High School into a modest limestone-plastered building. President location is Wapda Customer’s care

Illustration of Sukkur’s banking evolution, featuring iconic buildings and symbols representing the transition from Bambi Bank to the National Bank of Pakistan

Illustration of Sukkur’s banking evolution, featuring iconic buildings and symbols representing the transition from Bambi Bank to the National Bank of Pakistan

During the British Raj, an attempted heist involving a tunnel dug towards the bank was foiled, and the culprits were apprehended. Following the partition, the institution was rebranded as the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), which was officially formed in 1949. In recent decades, a new, elegant edifice for the NBP was constructed at the same location, housing the main branch on the ground floor and the State Bank of PakistanState Bank of Pakistan on the upper level.

Prior to Pakistan's independence, Sukkur was home to several other banks. The Arabian Cooperative Bank was founded in 1921 opposite Lux Park, while the Punjab National Bank and the Central Bank both opened their doors in 1935 along Bandar Road. The Sindh Provisional Cooperative Bank Ltd started operations in 1938 on Frere Road. These institutions, along with the local branch of the Imperial Bank of India, which had connections to John Maynard Keynes' work on Indian currency and finance, have since ceased operations or been closed.

  1. Sukkur banking evolution
  2. Historical banks of Sukkur
  3. Bambi Bank history
  4. Imperial Bank of India Sukkur
  5. National Bank of Pakistan inception
  6. British Raj bank heist Sukkur
  7. Sukkur’s pre-partition financial institutions
  8. Arabian Cooperative Bank 1921
  9. Punjab National Bank Sukkur
  10. Central Bank Bandar Road
  11. Sindh Provisional Cooperative Bank Ltd
  12. Imperial Bank currency finance
  13. John Maynard Keynes banking
  14. Banking sector transformation Sukkur
  15. NBP new building Sukkur

Saturday 6 April 2024

Mir Abdul Baqi Purani: The Stalwart Governor of Bukkur’s Rich History


The entrance to Abdul Baki Purani's resting place is marked by an exquisite stone engraving. This artwork, etched in the timeless Farsi script, captures the essence of Persian calligraphy and architectural heritage. It stands as a testament to the rich cultural tapestry and the enduring legacy of the region's artistry.

Nestled within the vibrant province of Sindh, Pakistan, the storied city of Sukkur stands as a bastion of history and culture. This location echoes with the stories of distinguished figures from the past. Among them stands Mir Abdul Baqi Purani, immortalized in history's pages as an exemplar of leadership and a custodian of cultural heritage.
Formative Years and Ascension

Mir Abdul Baqi Purani emerged from a distinguished family renowned for their leadership and intellect. His formative years were dedicated to an intensive quest for knowledge and a deep comprehension of administrative affairs. This foundation of learning and understanding ultimately led to his esteemed role as the Governor of Bukkur.

Governance and Achievements

During his tenure in Bukkur, Mir Abdul Baqi Purani became renowned for his proficient management abilities and steadfast commitment to enhancing the community’s welfare. His period in office was distinguished by initiatives aimed at fortifying the city’s fortifications and fostering economic growth and affluence.

The Tomb of Mir Abdul Baqi Purani

Leadership in Stone: The Immortalized Legacy of Mir Abdul Baqi Purani

The resting place of Mir Abdul Baqi Purani, situated on the serene New-Sukkur, (Near Modern High School) serves as a lasting tribute to his impactful legacy. This historical site draws in those who wish to immerse themselves in the area’s storied past and the narratives of its former luminaries.

The entrance to Abdul Baki Purani's resting place is marked by an exquisite stone engraving. This artwork, etched in the timeless Farsi script, captures the essence of Persian calligraphy and architectural heritage. It stands as a testament to the rich cultural tapestry and the enduring legacy of the region's artistry.

The mausoleum of Mir Abdul Baqi Purani, a distinguished figure in the annals of Bukkur’s governance, marks a significant chapter in the region’s history. Originating from Purani in Herat, Amir Mirak Shah Ba Yazid Hussain journeyed to Sindh in AH 928 (AD 1521) alongside Mirza Shah Hussain Babar. Elevated to the governorship of Bukkur, he eventually ceded his position to his progeny and set off for Kandahar, where his life’s journey concluded. 

Discover the timeless beauty of traditional Kashi ceramics, where each brick carries the legacy of an age-old craft. Originating from the historic city of Kashan, renowned for its pottery and tile-making since the early Islamic era, these tiles represent a significant evolution in brick-making craftsmanship. The artistry of Kashi tiles, with their intricate glazed designs, not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of structures but also serves as an effective moisture barrier. These tiles, with their rich heritage, are a testament to the innovative spirit of their makers, dating back to the second millennium B.C. in regions like Eilam. Embrace the charm of Kashi tiles and infuse your space with a piece of history.

The entrance to Abdul Baki Purani’s resting place is marked by an exquisite stone engraving. This artwork, etched in the timeless Farsi script, captures the essence of Persian calligraphy and architectural heritage. It stands as a testament to the rich cultural tapestry and the enduring legacy of the region’s artistry.

#MirAbdulBaqiPurani #LegacyCarvedInStone #SindhHeritage #SukkurHistory #PersianCalligraphyArt #CulturalLegacy #HistoricalSukkur #GovernanceAndGrace #KashiCeramics #TimelessCraftsmanship #IslamicEraArtistry #BukkurGovernance #PuraniLegacy #StoneEngraving #ArchitecturalHeritage

Thursday 4 April 2024

Faqir Qadir Bux Bedil: The Mystic Poet of Rohri

In the realm of Sufi tradition, the name Faqir Qadir Bux Bedil stands tall. His birth in 1814 in the spiritually vibrant town of Rohri marked the arrival of a mystic who would leave an indelible mark on the world of poetry and spirituality. Bedil, a name signifying ‘one without a heart,’ was not a reference to a lack of emotion, but rather to his complete surrender to divine love, which made him a guiding light of mysticism.

Bedil’s Spiritual Voyage: From Rohri to Eternity

Bedil’s odyssey was a rich tapestry woven from the profound teachings of legendary Sufi luminaries like Lal Shahbaz Qalandar and Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. His writings served as a conduit for the deep mystical understanding he acquired on this spiritual voyage, casting a light that continues to guide those in pursuit of knowledge and transcendence.

Preserving Sindh’s Heritage: The Literary Genius of Bedil

Bedil’s existence exemplified his deep-rooted spirituality and unwavering commitment to Sufism. Overcoming the challenges of his physical condition, he undertook strenuous journeys to venerate the sanctuaries of esteemed Sufi mystics. His life’s work mirrored the transformation from Ishq-e-Majazi, the love of the earthly, to Ishq-e-Haqiqi, the love of the divine, epitomizing the Sufi pursuit of transcendent love.

The Mausoleum of Bedil: A Sanctuary for Seekers of Wisdom

The literary heritage of Faqir Qadir Bux Bedil is remarkable, spanning multiple languages including Persian, Sindhi, Saraiki, Arabic, and Urdu. His significant works, such as ‘Wahdat Namo’ (Book of Union) and ‘Surood Namo’ (Book of Melody), explore the profound depths of Sufism and mysticism.

Bedil’s Ode to Sufism: A Life Dedicated to Spiritual Enlightenment

Muhammad Mohsin Bekas, the progeny of Faqir Qadir Bux Bedil, significantly enhanced Sindh’s cultural mosaic through his poetic endeavors.

Faqir Qadir Bux Bedil: The Mystic Poet of Rohri

Bedil’s literary and didactic achievements are deeply entwined with the Sufi doctrine of Wahdat-ul-Wujood, underscoring the interconnectedness of all being. His extensive writings not only exhibit his erudition but also his finesse in imparting deep spiritual insights with poetic finesse. His mausoleum remains a beacon of his lasting influence, drawing individuals from myriad backgrounds in search of tranquillity and enlightenment

The Sufi Sage: Bedil’s Journey of Divine Love

Bukkur Island’s Beacon of Sufism: The Shrine of Syed Sadar Ur Din Shah


Spiritual Sojourns: Unveiling the Mystique of Syed Sadar Ur Din Shah's Shrine

Tucked away on the tranquil Bukkur Island, cradled by the gentle currents of the Indus River, lies a monument of spiritual significance the Shrine of Syed Sadar Ur Din Shah. Celebrated as a luminary among the Sufi saints of Sindh, the mausoleum of Syed Sadar Ur Din Shah is a symbol of the timeless Sufi heritage that thrives in Pakistan.

Divine Journeys: The Enduring Legacy of Syed Sadar Ur Din Shah at Bukkur Island

A Haven of Spirituality This revered shrine, an oasis of serenity and piety, beckons believers from far and wide. With aspirations of grace, they converge here, affixing their prayers to the shrine’s barrier a ritualistic gesture that intertwines their deepest desires with the sacred.
The Urs: A Tapestry of Spiritual Unity Each year, the commemoration of Hazrat Sadar-ud-din Shah Badshah’s urs infuses the island with a vibrant tapestry of devout celebration. Over the span of three days, the atmosphere is charged with the pulsating beats of dhamal, the harmonious strains of mehfil-e-samaa, and the resonant recitations of Sufi poetry.  This hallowed ritual not only pays homage to the saint’s lasting impact but also unites a mosaic of traditions in a unified display of esteem and spiritual solidarity.

Bridging Time and Tradition: The Historical Shrine of Syed Sadar Ur Din Shah

An Insight into Antiquity The shrine’s perch on Bukkur Island is a chronicle of the ages. Nestled between the cities of Sukkur and Rohri, the island has been a silent spectator to the rise and fall of empires. It serves as an intersection where spirituality converges with antiquity, offering a portal to the intricate narrative of Sindh’s cultural odyssey.

Echoes of Eternity: The Shrine of Syed Sadar Ur Din Shah's Spiritual Saga

The Shrine of Syed Sadar Ur Din Shah transcends mere architectural grandeur; it embodies a dynamic chronicle of devotion, cultural richness, and historical depth. As a guiding light for seekers, it continues to foster a heritage of spiritual awakening and insight, reflecting the perpetual values of Sufism that reverberate across the ages.

#BukkurIslandShrine #SufiLegacy, #SyedSadarUrDinShah, #SpiritualSindh, #SufiSaintsOfPakistan, #UrsFestival, #SufiTraditions, #SpiritualHeritage, #SindhCulture, #PilgrimagePakistan

Sunday 31 March 2024

Hazrat Ali (Yaum-e-Ali): Remembering the Martyrdom of a Pious Leader

 Martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (Yaum-e-Ali)

On the 21st of Ramadan, the city of Rohri commemorates Imam Ali with solemnity and devotion. The streets echo with the rhythmic beat of drums, and devotees participate in the traditional Matam (mourning ritual) to honor the fourth caliph of Islam

Commemorating the Martyrdom of Hazrat Ali on the 21st of Ramzan

On the 21st of Ramzan ul Mubarak, Muslims worldwide commemorate and honor the life and sacrifice of Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This day is known as Yaum-e-Ali..


21 Ramzan ul Mubarak: Commemorating the Martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (Yaum-e-Ali)

Hazrat Ali was born in 600 CE in Mecca, and he played a pivotal role in the early days of Islam.

He was the first man to embrace Islam after the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) received the divine revelation. Hazrat Ali was known for his unwavering faith, courage, and commitment to justice.


On the 19th of Ramzan, in the year 40 AH (661 CE), Hazrat Ali suffered a fatal wound while praying in the mosque of Kufa, Iraq.

Hazrat Ali was struck with a poisoned sword by Abd al-Rahman ibn Muljam during the attack..

Hazrat Ali passed away due to his injuries on the 21st of Ramzan, attaining martyrdom.

Legacy and Significance

Hazrat Ali holds great reverence among both Sunni and Shia Muslims.

His legacy transcends his role as a caliph; he is revered for his wisdom, piety, and unwavering devotion to Islam.

His teachings on justice, compassion, and knowledge serve as an enduring inspiration for generations.


Hazrat Ali, celebrated in Islamic history, emerged as an exemplar of courage, fortitude, and martial prowess. His pivotal role in early Islamic battles under Prophet Muhammad’s guidance remains etched in legend.

Key Exploits:

Battles of Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, and Khaybar:

Hazrat Ali’s swordsmanship was unparalleled, striking fear into enemy ranks.

At the Battle of Khandaq, he engaged in an epic duel with the legendary Meccan warrior, Amr ibn Wudd, emerging victorious.

His valor on these battlefields solidified his reputation as Islam’s greatest warrior.

The Heroic Feat at Khaybar:

Alone, Hazrat Ali stormed the impregnable Jewish stronghold of Qumus during the Battle of Khaybar.

His unwavering courage earned him the title “Lion of Allah.”

Hazrat Ali’s legacy endures—a symbol of fearlessness, unwavering faith, and unmatched swordsmanshi

Youm-e-Ali Procession in Rohri 2024: Traffic Route Diversions

The Youm-e-Ali procession, which commemorates the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Ali as (RA), holds great significance for the Shia Muslim community. In 2024, this solemn occasion will be observed in Rohri and Sukkur, Pakistan. To ensure the safety and efficient flow of the procession, authorities have implemented traffic route diversions.


Date: 2024

Location: Rohri, Pakistan

Traffic Route Changes:

Starting Point: The procession will commence from a designated location.

Route Alterations: Specific roads and streets will be closed or diverted to accommodate the procession.

Security Measures: Law enforcement agencies will be deployed to manage traffic and maintain order.

Public Awareness: Authorities are urging residents and commuters to stay informed about the diversions and plan their travel accordingly.

For specific details on route changes and traffic management during the Youm-e-Ali procession in District Sukkur, please refer to official announcements and local news sources.

Today’s Hijri Date: Ramadan 21, 1445

Short Hijri Date: 21/9/1445

#HazratAli #Yaum-e-Ali #Martyrdom #IslamicHistory #Wisdom #Piety #Legacy #Inspiration #Justice #Compassion

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Unveiling the Stone Age: A Deep Dive into the Rohri Hills’ Archaeological Wonders

  In the mid-1970s, the Cambridge Archaeological Expedition undertook an initial examination of the Rohri Hills' Paleolithic locations. Their research indicated that these hills were a prime quarry for chert, essential for crafting the Harappan culture's parallel-sided blades between 2300 and 1750 BC.

Ancient tools and artifacts from the Rohri Hills’ Pal eolithic sites.

The Rohri Hills' southern tip, adjacent to Chancha Baloch village and a mere four kilometres from Kot Diji's pre-Harappan site, hosted a prominent Paleolithic site. This site, spanning roughly 5,000 square meters and nestled among dunes in a predominantly sandy locale, yielded a treasure trove of Middle and Upper Paleolithic relics and manufacturing waste.
Moreover, a significant number of production floors were discovered near a settlement called Nawab Punjabi. Unearthing these manufacturing sites, which chronicle the entire Stone Age epoch, has enriched our comprehension of Sindh's prehistoric civilizations.

Geological and cultural landmarks of Rohri Hills, known as Nahoon Takar and Char 4 Tukar.

Archaeological tools unearthed from the Rohri Hills, evidence of ancient human activity

The Legacy of Rohri Hills: Tracing the Footsteps of Prehistoric Cultures.

Close-up of a chert blade found in the Rohri Hills, a testament to early craftsmanship.

Chert Blades of the Past: Uncovering Rohri Hills’ Archaeological Secrets.

Artifacts from the Rohri Hills displayed against the backdrop of the site’s unique topography

Sweeping landscape of Rohri Hills, home to ancient archaeological sites.

The Rohri Hills, known locally as “Nahoon Takar” or “Char 4 Tukar,” are terms derived from the Sindhi language, signifying “New Hill” and “Quartet of Segments,” respectively. This nomenclature reflects the region’s distinctive geological formation and cultural heritage

#ArchaeologicalJourney, #RohriHillsDiscovery, #SindhCivilizations, #AncientCraftsmanship, #StoneAgeSecrets, #ChertBladesLegacy, #PrehistoricSindh, #NahoonTakar, #Char4Tukar, #CulturalHeritageSindh

Black and White Tales: The Hoverfly Mystery Captured on Camera

Greetings, everyone! Recently, I encountered a fascinating insect that resembled a hummingbird in its swift movements. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a Hoverfly, yet its exact species eluded me. It boasted a striking black and white-tailed appearance, unlike any I had seen before. If this description rings a bell and you're familiar with its kind and name, please share your insights. This intriguing sighting was captured using a cellphone camera.

For those curious about the Hoverfly, it's a member of the Syrphidae family, easily recognized by a distinctive longitudinal false vein in its wings. The UK alone is home to over 270 species, some of which migrate to the region. These insects are harmless mimics of bees and wasps, sporting black and yellow patterns to deter predators.

As for the black and white-tailed bee, it could be the White-tailed bumblebee, scientifically known as Bombus lucorum. This common species is found across Europe and is part of the Bombus lucorum complex, which includes nearly identical-looking species that are challenging to differentiate without close examination.
Remember, the beauty of nature lies in its diversity, and every encounter with wildlife is a chance to learn and appreciate the intricate tapestry of life around us.🌿


#HoverflyMystery, #InsectIdentification, #NaturePhotography, #WildlifeWonder, #MimicryMarvels, #CellphoneCaptures, #BeeOrFly, #HummingbirdTwin, #BlackAndWhiteTailed, #SyrphidaeSightings

Sunday 24 March 2024

Sacred Shores: The Dual Pilgrimage of Rohri’s Isle


An elderly man with a long white beard, dressed in traditional green Islamic attire, stands majestically atop a large river fish. He appears to be a Sufi sage, serenely walking on the waters of the Indus River. The scene is bathed in sunlight filtering through sparse clouds, creating a tranquil and almost mystical atmosphere. In the distance, one or two birds can be seen gliding in the sky, adding to the serene ambiance. The image is rendered in high-resolution 2K quality, capturing the realistic details of this inspiring moment.

In the shadow of Rohri lies a diminutive isle, a mere half-acre in size, that resists the flood's peak, remaining unsubmerged. Encircled by a protective barrier, this island is home to a sacred shrine, a place of convergence for thousands of devotees both Muslims and Hindus from every corner of Sindh during the spring months of March and April. For Muslims, it's a pilgrimage to pay homage to Khwaja Khizr, while Hindus revere Jind Pir (a derivative of 'Zinda', meaning 'Living', thus 'Living Saint').

In the heart of Sindh’s riverine landscape, there exists a figure steeped in the lore of both Islam and Hinduism. He is known by many names: Khawaja Khizr, Jind Pir, and Zinda Pir, each a testament to his enduring presence. Envision an aged man, his white beard flowing like the river itself, garbed in the verdant hues of traditional Islamic dress. He stands, a picture of tranquility, upon a grand fish that glides across the Indus River’s surface. This Sufi elder, a sage of profound wisdom, seems to traverse the waters with a grace that belies his years. His journey across the Indus is not merely physical but symbolic, bridging the spiritual divide between cultures and beliefs. He is a living embodiment of the river’s life-giving force, revered by many as a guardian of the faithful and a beacon of unity.

Over time, the shrine's ownership sparked a dispute between the two faiths. Resolution came when Hindus relinquished their claim, establishing a separate shrine for Jind Pir along the riverbank in Sukkur. In a historic decree, the Public Works Department, via resolution No. 55-W-1 650 dated 10 April 1894, allocated approximately 16.50 ghuntas of land to the Sukkur Council for the Jind Pir Fakirs' trust, post a trust deed in favor of the then-leader, Bhai Balo. The trust ensured that he and his successors were entrusted with Rs 15000 to fulfill specific responsibilities linked to the shrine and its monuments.

An image from 1883 showcases the revered shrine of Khwaja Khizr, also known as Jind Pir among Hindus, situated on a small island in Sindh. The shrine, a pilgrimage site for thousands, symbolizes the unity of Muslim and Hindu faiths. It stands as a historical testament to the region’s rich spiritual traditions and the enduring legacy of the saints who have been the embodiment of the Indus River’s spirit.

An image from 1883 showcases the revered shrine of Khwaja Khizr, also known as Jind Pir among Hindus, situated on a small island in Sindh. The shrine, a pilgrimage site for thousands, symbolizes the unity of Muslim and Hindu faiths. It stands as a historical testament to the region’s rich spiritual traditions and the enduring legacy of the saints who have been the embodiment of the Indus River’s spirit.
A Muslim narrative recounts the tale of Shah Hussain (Saiful Muluk), a merchant from Delhi, who, along with his daughter, Badu-i-Jamal, journeyed down the Indus towards Mecca. Upon reaching Alore, they encountered Daluraj, the Hindu King, who, smitten by the daughter's beauty, sought her hand in marriage. His proposal was declined on the grounds of religious incompatibility. Undeterred, the king attempted to abduct her. However, during her prayers to Khwaja Khizr, her father was divinely instructed to release their boat. Miraculously, the river's course altered, flowing towards Rohri and ensuring their escape. In gratitude, Shah Hussain vowed to erect a shrine in honor of the saint who had safeguarded them. Guided by divine intervention, he chose a small island north of Bukkur for a mosque and mausoleum dedicated to Khwaja Khizr. Over time, devotees enriched the site, with some adorning the original tomb's door in silver. Regrettably, no remnants of these structures survive today.

An ancient painting from the year 952 A.D., corresponding to 341 Hijri, depicting the revered figure Khawaja Khizr. The artwork captures the historical and spiritual essence of the saint, known for his guidance and wisdom, in a traditional style reflective of the era.

An ancient painting from the year 952 A.D., corresponding to 341 Hijri, depicting the revered figure Khawaja Khizr. The artwork captures the historical and spiritual essence of the saint, known for his guidance and wisdom, in a traditional style reflective of the era.

Hindus associate Khawaja with Jind Pir, seen as the living embodiment of the Indus River, also known as Uderolal or Darya Shah. They honor him with the ritual lighting of lamps. The central edifice, whether tomb, temple, or cenotaph, features a niche representing the saint's seat, crowned by a stone slab with a Persian inscription, eloquently stating:

Contemporary representation of Khwaja Khizr, depicted as a wise figure with a spiritual aura, often portrayed in Islamic green attire, symbolizing his enduring presence and guidance through the ages.

Contemporary representation of Khwaja Khizr, depicted as a wise figure with a spiritual aura, often portrayed in Islamic green attire, symbolizing his enduring presence and guidance through the ages.

"When this court was raised, the waters of Khizr embraced it; penned by Khizr himself in delightful verse." 

The inscription's date, deciphered from 'Dargah-i-Ali', points to the year AD 952. Nearby, a dilapidated brick mosque bears another inscription dating back to AH 1011 (AD 1602). Before British rule, the guardians of Satyan-jo-Asthan and Khwaja Khizr's shrine held lands as charitable grants, performing sacred duties around the monuments. This tradition was upheld by Sir Charles Napier.

If the minor disputes at the site of Khawaja Khizr Rohri in 1880 had been avoided, we might not be facing the current circumstances.

Monday 11 March 2024

Ramazan in Pakistan: A Tapestry of Faith and Community


As the crescent moon heralds the arrival of Ramazan, Pakistan transforms into a realm of divine serenity and communal harmony. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar marks not just a period of fasting from dawn until dusk, but a festival of faith that envelops the entire nation.


A variety of plump and glossy Ramadan dates, known as ‘khark khajoor’, are displayed in a traditional woven basket. The dates range in color from deep brown to golden amber, indicative of their natural sweetness and rich, chewy texture that is commonly enjoyed during the holy month of Ramadan

During Ramazan, the people of Pakistan engage in a daily fast, abstaining from food and drink, and other physical needs during daylight hours. It's a time to purify the soul, refocus attention on God, and practice self-discipline and sacrifice. Yet, as the sun sets, the fast breaks with the sweetness of dates and the refreshing taste of Rooh Afzah, leading to a feast that celebrates the day's spiritual journey.

Cultural Delights and Culinary Celebrations

An inviting Ramadan Iftar setup featuring succulent dates on a dining table, complemented by a glass of refreshing Rooh Afza sharbat. A prayer mat and a traditional lantern add to the ambiance, reflecting the spirit of the holy month.

The pre-dawn meal, Sehri, varies across communities, with some indulging in rich sweets like Jalebis soaked in milk, while others prefer a lighter fare of eggs, toast, and tea¹. Post-dusk, Iftar becomes a social event where families and friends gather to share a meal. The air fills with the aroma of fried snacks like samosas and pakoras, and the sweetness of Gulab Jamun, a beloved treat during this holy month.

Dates Fruit in Dining table with Muslim style Ramadan fast with a prayer mat nearby, a traditional Ramadan lantern, colorful dates, a glass with Rooh Afzah sharbat, fried snacks like samosas and pakoras, and the sweetness of Gulab Jamun

Charity and Compassion: The Spirit of Giving

An image capturing the essence of Ramadan, showcasing hands extending food to the needy, symbolizing the acts of kindness and sharing that define the holy month.

Ramazan is also a time for charity and acts of kindness. Pakistanis, known for their generosity, participate in charitable activities, providing for those less fortunate and embodying the true spirit of the month.

Cities That Never Sleep: Nighttime Vibrancy

Pakistan Muslim cities vibrant nightlife after Iftar with markets, restaurants, rooftop eateries offering Ramazan deals, iconic Pakistani city landmarks, the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore

After Iftar, cities burst into life. Markets stay open late, and people enjoy the cooler evening air. Restaurants and rooftop eateries offer special Ramazan deals, creating a festive atmosphere that lasts throughout the night.

Conclusion: A Time for Reflection and Renewal

Ramadan Mubarak: An image that encapsulates the serene and spiritual atmosphere of Ramadan, highlighting themes of peace, prayer, and communal harmony.

Ramazan in Pakistan is more than just fasting; it's a time for spiritual renewal and community. It's a period when the entire country unites in a shared experience of faith, reflection, and joy. As the month progresses, the anticipation for Eid-ul-Fitr builds, promising a grand celebration of the blessings received and the trials overcome.


Explore the spiritual essence of Ramazan in Pakistan through our article that delves into the traditions and practices of this holy month. From the communal Sehri and Iftar meals to the vibrant nightlife post-Iftar, discover how Pakistanis balance devotion with celebration. Learn about the significance of charity and the festive atmosphere in markets and eateries, all under the soft glow of the Badshahi Mosque. Join us in understanding how Ramazan is a time for reflection, community, and renewal in Pakistan. Embrace the cultural tapestry that weaves faith into the daily lives of Pakistanis during this sacred time.

Various forms of charity: cash donations, food parcels, and clothing donations, symbolizing the diverse ways to support those in need.

Various forms of charity: cash donations, food parcels, and clothing donations, symbolizing the diverse ways to support those in need. Compassionate giving during Ramadan: Zakat contributions depicted as cash, food, and clothing, fulfilling one of the pillars of Islam to aid those in need.

#RamazanInPakistan #SpiritualRamazan #PakistaniTraditions #RamadanReflections #RamazanInPakistan #SpiritualRamazan #PakistaniTraditions #RamadanReflections #FastingAndFeasting #SehriDelights #IftarCelebrations #CharityInRamazan #EidCountdown #CulturalRamazan

Malakhro: The Heartbeat of the Muslim Community and a Testament to Strength, Skill, and Spirit

In the vibrant tapestry of the Muslim community, one tradition stands out, pulsating with energy and enthusiasm - Malakhro.ملاکھڑا ,ملھ, ملا...